This is a BETA version, please stay tuned for more features, other local coffee shops as we progress towards our official launch.

Zero-Tolerance Policy on Fake Reviews

At Vietnam Craft Coffee, we prioritize authenticity and transparency in all user-generated content, particularly reviews. Therefore, we have implemented a zero-tolerance policy on fake reviews to maintain the integrity of our platform. Here are the key points of our policy:

  1. Definition of Fake Reviews:

    Any review that is fabricated, misleading, or not based on genuine experiences will be considered a fake review. This includes reviews written by individuals who have not visited the coffee shop, reviews written by competitors or affiliates, and reviews that contain false information about the coffee shop.

  2. Detection and Removal:

    We employ advanced algorithms and manual review processes to detect and remove fake reviews. Our team regularly monitors user activity and investigates any suspicious patterns or content. Upon detection, fake reviews will be promptly removed from our platform to prevent misinformation.

  3. Consequences for Violators:

    Users found to be engaging in creating or promoting fake reviews will face severe consequences, including account suspension or termination. We take such violations seriously and will take appropriate action to maintain the trust and credibility of our platform.

  4. Reporting Mechanism:

    We encourage users and coffee shop owners to report any suspected fake reviews they encounter. Our dedicated support team will thoroughly investigate all reports and take necessary actions to address the issue.

  5. Educational Outreach:

    We strive to educate our user community about the importance of honest and genuine reviews. Through blog posts, guidelines, and communication channels, we aim to foster a culture of transparency and integrity in reviewing practices.